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      Vibration Analytics

      Do you keep an eye on all your assets? Have there been unplanned machine breakdowns in the past which, in the worst case, have affected your plant availability? Or would you like to optimally schedule your maintenance work to be performed during non-production times?


      Contact us

      The solution

      Vibration Analytics is Leadec's IIoT solution that enables you to continuously monitor the condition of your pumps, motors and other rotating equipment. Condition monitoring on a new level. You take a close look at you production environment together with us and identify the assets with the highest value creation and optimization potential. You will receive a customized action plan for implementing your digitization goals in the area of condition monitoring with Vibration Analytics. The cloud-based system, a plug-and-play solution that requires no in-depth IT expertise. 

      Main features

      1. Sensors

      Vibration sensors are pre-configured and automatically calibrated after being attached to the machine.


      • 1kHZ/6kHz battery powered, wireless
      • Mounted with M8 bolt, nut adapter or epoxy resin
      • Measurement of 3-dimensional vibrations and temperature
      • Data measurem and transmission configurable
      • Processing of raw data already possible in the sensor
      • IP68 certificiation

      2. Gateway

      • Collects, processes and transmits data from sensors
      • Connection options: mobile network (LTE-M and 2G), wireless and Ethernet
      • Regular software updates
      • Device authenticiation and identity management for secure data transfer
      • IP66/IP67 certification

      3. Digital service - AI and dashboard

      When you log in, you can access your personal dashboard and get an overview of your equipment's condition at any time.


      • Algorithm-based continuous, automatic evaluation of the measured values
      • Results on condition, anomaly, temperature and RMS values available at any time
      • Web and mobile view
      • Display of the alarm modifications based on learned KPI thresholds as evidence of possible defets on the machines
      • Confirmation of alarm notifications
      • Standard and optional functions (report/checklists ...)

      Contact us

      You are interested in our solution? Please fill out our contact form or directly contact: