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  • One Team. One Journey.

    Join the Leadec team and discover the possibilities of an industrial career. We offer worldwide opportunities for job seekers that want to be part of a great working community. Because there is nothing more important at Leadec than our strong teams.

    Career worldwide

Industrial jobs in a global team

It’s not machines and robots that play the main role at Leadec, but people: experts in cleaning, maintenance and engineering; professionals in project management, IT, commercial functions – and many more. Our people get things done and put their hearts and minds into their work. No matter the work we each do, our heart beats in sync with the rhythms of the factory. 

of our employees

say that they enjoy their work and tasks.*

*Result of our Global Employee Engagement Survey 2024

Think production. Think Leadec.

For more than 60 years, our customers around the globe have relied on our services throughout their entire production process – from planning to maintenance, modernization, and digitalization. We work with companies in a variety of industries like automotive, aerospace, consumer goods, and many more. Performing industrial electrician jobs, industrial engineering jobs and more, we ensure that our customers’ production processes run smoothly. We always think one step ahead and work continuously to speed up and streamline processes. 


Industrial service jobs: it's the people that matter

At Leadec, we follow a very simple principle: Without exception, everyone is important to us – as part of our team and as an individual. In our teams, people of various ethnicities, cultures and with different professional experience work together towards our common goal. Fairness and respect are the foundation of our working relationships. As a company of more than 23,000 employees worldwide, we have a lot to offer: the stability of a large organization combined with a family environment where people look out for each other; and consider the variety of work with challenging activities and individual opportunities.

Our foundation


Job titles and personal backgrounds mean nothing: everyone's work is valued and recognized for their work. Together, we create a work environment in which ideas can be exchanged freely and every voice is heard.

Team spirit

We support and inspire one another and celebrate our common successes. As a team we collaborate, overcome challenges, and learn from one another to achieve our common goals together.


Our work environment is diverse in many ways: from the industries we operate and the clients we serve to the diversity of people, job roles and teams. We bring together different perspectives to create innovative solutions. At the same time all employees can grow and develop according to their individual interests and abilities.

What makes us strong

Diversity & Inclusion: key to success

Diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords at Leadec; they are essential to our vision of being the leading service specialist. At Leadec, we promote a diverse workforce, equal opportunities and a welcoming workplace for all. To succeed in the future, we require diverse perspectives and voices, an inclusive culture to be an attractive place to work to a broad range of talents.


D&I at Leadec

Targeted further development

The Leadec Campus is our global and central training platform. We use it to track the careers of our employees and offer targeted development modules. We provide our customers worldwide with around 4,000 specialists in the fields of technology, engineering, lean management and occupational safety.


Learning & Development

A safe and sustainable future

In an industrial environment, risk minimization, work safety and thus the health of all employees have the highest priority. Whatever makes work safe, be it standards, procedures, training, or equipment – Leadec has it in place.

In production plants and their surroundings, we not only work safely, but also sustainably. After all, the factory of the future will be carbon neutral. That’s why our services also focus on renewable energy, batteries, and the circular economy. Data analytics allows us to find suitable and efficient solutions so we can turn factories into smart factories.

Leadec in numbers




on 4 continents


billion euro (2023)

Proud of our work

Proud of our work

For our customers and colleagues, we are their most trusted partner. How do we do this? Through ownership of responsibilities, expertise and flexibility. With our workforce solutions we are close to the action and always keep our finger on the pulse of technology. Our expertise enables us to stay ahead of the curve and always find a solution together.


Learn more

Career opportunities worldwide

People at Leadec

  • Video

    Working at Leadec: Arabella about variety

    Respect, team spirit and variety are the foundation of our work. Arabella describes why her work at Leadec is varied.

  • Brochure

    Company brochure: At the heart of manufacturing

    Our company brochure provides an overview of our services, our culture and references and shows the advantages of working with Leadec.

  • Video

    Working at Leadec: Pedro about respect

    Respect, team spirit and variety are the foundation of our work. Pedro describes how he experiences respect in his work.

  • Portrait of Gert Brandl

    “A Shoebox Worth a Six-Digit Amount”

    Companies within the semiconductor industry place particularly high demands on logistics. In this interview, Gert Brandl, who works in account management for the semiconductor sector at Leadec and is the project manager in charge, explains why the company developed its own track and trace software for a customer and what makes it so special.

  • Portrait of Markus Bölke with quote.

    “EU Green Deal Readiness – We are ahead of time.”

    In this interview, Markus Bölke, Global Head of Green Factory Solutions, Sustainability & HSE at Leadec gives an insight into how the company has anchored the EU Green Deal in its strategy and how Leadec supports its customers with special services to make their own production more climate-neutral.

  • Video

    Working at Leadec: Edit about team spirit

    Respect, team spirit and variety are the foundation of our work. Edit describes what team spirit means to her.

  • Portrait of Steve

    “Cleanrooms Are Just Beautiful”

    Protective clothing, a sterile environment, and air locks: cleanrooms are a very special working environment. In this interview, Steve Koch, who works at Leadec’s Dresden site, talks about what it’s like to work under extremely strict conditions and what he appreciates about it. 

  • Portrait of Leonarda, Leadec

    Leonarda’s journey: from specialist to trainer

    Leonarda started at Leadec in Brazil in 2019 as a health and safety specialist in a team of 50 people. She is now a health and safety trainer and passes on her knowledge while commuting between customer sites and dedicating herself to the most important thing: the safety of employees.  

  • Portrait of Bernard Sextus with quotation.

    “Together, we can make a difference!”

    In the interview with Bernard Sextus, Director Operations of Leadec India, you can learn more about how every little contribution to climate protection counts, how data can be used to improve awareness and what Leadec colleagues in India actively do. 

  • Video

    Working at Leadec: Bernd about variety

    Respect, team spirit and variety are the foundation of our work. Bernd describes why his work at Leadec is varied.

  • A group of Leadec employees in front of a wall with sticky notes at a workshop in the office.

    ‘Future-ready’ – A Week Dedicated to Further Training

    The Leadec Learning Week is a really big event in the Leadec calendar. There is a lot of preparation behind it and the aim of the ‘power week’ is to offer attractive internal training sessions via the Leadec Campus and to allow work and learning to merge.  

  • Portrait of Michael Schenk with quote.

    Five Years of Leadec.os – Driver For Digital Transformation

    Leadec.os has been standardizing and digitizing Leadec’s service processes across systems for 5 years. Michael Schenk, Global Head of Business Applications, looks back and talks about milestones and the impact of the platform on the whole company. 

  • Video

    Working at Leadec: Hatice about respect

    Respect, team spirit and variety are the foundation of our work. Hatice describes how she experiences respect in her work.

  • Cover of Leadec Sustainability Report 2023

    Sustainability Report 2023: “Driving sustainable manufacturing together”

    The new sustainability report is available – and for the first time it is based on the new requirements of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). At the same time, it provides a comprehensive overview of projects and activities relating to sustainability at Leadec.

  • Video

    Working at Leadec: Marc about team spirit

    Respect, team spirit and variety are the foundation of our work. Marc describes what team spirit looks like in his department.

  • Brochure

    Sustainability Report 2023

    As the world’s leading service specialist for the entire life cycle of a factory, Leadec prioritizes ESG principles for a sustainable future. Our target is to lead our industry by example. The sustainability report 2023 was prepared according to the requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)/ European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). 

  • Portrait of Marissa, Leadec

    Marissa’s journey: from technical cleaner to service line manager

    Marissa has been part of the Canadian Leadec team in Oakville since 2015. She started as a technical cleaner in the final department. Since January 2023, she has been responsible for technical cleaning at the site as service line manager. 

  • Video

    Working at Leadec: Vinit about variety

    Respect, team spirit and variety are the foundation of our work. Vinit describes why his work at Leadec is varied.

  • Portrait of Ferenc Dakai with quote.

    “Sustainability and Digitalization Are the Big Issues”

    Leadec has been operating in Hungary for 30 years. Managing Director Ferenc Dákai has been with the company for almost as long. In this interview, he provides an insight into the Hungarian market, talks about current challenges, and draws his own personal conclusions.  

  • Video

    Working at Leadec: Elia about respect

    Respect, team spirit and variety are the foundation of our work. Elia describes what respect means to him.

  • Portrait of Jesse, Leadec

    Jesse's journey: from technical cleaner to service line manager

    Jesse Mack started out as a technical cleaner 15 years ago, back then at Premier in the USA. He took a different path for a while and returned to Leadec in 2021. 

  • Portrait of Thomas Leitner, Leadec

    “It's Often About a Higher Level of Automation”

    E-commerce and online retail are booming. More than 160 billion parcels are sent worldwide every year. In this interview, Thomas Leitner, Vice President Global Business Development, explains the role Leadec plays in this and the opportunities this industry offers.

  • Video

    Working at Leadec: Coralie about team spirit

    Respect, team spirit and variety are the foundation of our work. Coralie describes why her work at Leadec is characterized by team spirit. 

  • Portrait of colleague Yu from China.

    Yu's journey: from intern to maintenance supervisor

    Yu from China started his career as an intern in 2008. Since 2021 he has been maintenance supervisor and appreciates the trusting working environment at Leadec.