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  • Employee with tablet in hand checks the performance of a machine.
  • Production IT

    Intelligent production control makes all the difference and transforms contemporary production facilities into future-ready smart factories. Leadec also relies on in-house software solutions for this.

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Developers out of passion

A production facility is only as powerful as its control. How else can the different systems, automated solutions, or material flows be perfectly coordinated? As a leading industrial service provider, Leadec has insight into nearly every corner of a production facility and can merge all information at a central point. The result is software solutions for production IT developed in-house.

Know-how and inventiveness

We are convinced that an in-depth technical understanding of state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities is essential for suitable services. That’s why we have in-house IT applications such as jitCATS for production control. With them, key parameters ranging from incoming orders through control of equipment and preassembly lines to quality assurance can be mapped and processed. 

Software – more than just a monitoring tool

We at Leadec know that the savings and optimization potential is always at the top of the priority list for manufacturing companies. The developers really hit the nail on the head then with the robCONTROL software. With the well-thought-out reprogramming of robots, not only can cycle times be shortened but also can the procurement of additional automation solutions be demonstrably avoided. Closely connected with that is quality assurance, for example, of weld seams. Especially with robot-assisted welding work, quality inspections during production are hard to perform. Therefore, a Leadec software solution such as weld.One that continuously performs in-line digital monitoring of the weld quality and independently reports possible risks is ideal. 


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