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  • Graphic representation of a factory on a greenfield site.
    The protection of our resources and of future generations must have the highest priority in all entrepreneurial activities. Sustainable manufacturing concepts help on the way to an emission-free factory.
  • Green Factory Solutions

    The protection of our resources and of future generations must have the highest priority in all entrepreneurial activities. Sustainable manufacturing concepts help on the way to an emission-free factory.


For a green production

In today's rapidly transforming manufacturing industry the shift towards sustainable practices is not just a trend, but a necessity. Leadec provides green services along the entire life cycle of the factory. With these green factory solutions – which, e.g., means less waste, emissions or energy consumption – we enable our customers to achieve their own goals in the area of sustainability.


We are constantly expanding our portfolio to support customers as a strong partner on their way to a zero-emission factory. Our mission is to guide businesses towards a greener, more sustainable future, leveraging our expertise in sustainability strategy and environmental sustainability consulting.


Energy Efficiency Solutions

Our wide range of services in the field of energy efficiency solutions help our customers to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on their energy bills. We provide consulting for our customers to implement an energy management system (ISO 50001) by conducting energy audits and energy monitoring. We provide carbon footprint monitoring and reporting which allows customers to keep track of their carbon emissions.


Along with consulting and monitoring, we provide services like voltage regulation and power factor correction which help customers in energy savings. We take care of the maintenance and upgrading of HVACR and chillers, thus ensuring their efficient operation in high energy consumption areas.


Overall, our energy efficiency solutions are designed to help our clients reduce their energy consumption, lower their costs, and minimize their environmental impact. By partnering with us, our clients can take a proactive approach to energy management and achieve a more sustainable future for their businesses.


Energy consulting

  • Energy management system ISO 50001
  • Energy audits
  • Energy monitoring
  • Load management
  • Carbon footprint monitoring and reporting

Energy savings

  • Energy measurement and verification (M&V) using smart devices
  • Voltage regulation (VR) and power factor correction (PFC)
  • Efficient operation of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVACR), and compressed air
  • Maintenance and upgrade of chillers and filters, e.g., in paint shops
Renewable Energy Solutions

If you are planning to produce energy using renewable sources, Leadec will be your helping partner with its service range of renewable energy solutions.

By assessing the condition of your roof and the electrical power consumption, our experienced team will develop a customized solar installation plan considering different factors like roof space, panel placement and electrical connectivity. Along with providing support for PV installations, we also facilitate the connection between production systems and renewable energy supply. Additionally, we provide battery storage solutions which can help you store the excess solar energy generated. We have a competent electrician team, which handles the entire process smoothly.


Our solutions also include services for hydrogen plant manufacturers worldwide. Our team supports customers in the engineering and automation of hydrogen production, transport, and storage. In addition, our technical team carries out installation of the hydrogen electrolyzer and other necessary equipment. 


Besides, Leadec’s services of installing heat pumps and induction systems will help customers generate heat energy from renewable sources. The need to utilize renewable energy will increase in the future and we are ready with our technicians to help our customers in every step of their journey with the following solutions:


Solar solutions

  • Modernization of AC/DC grid
  • Roof maintenance and inspection
  • Photovoltaic systems planning, installation, and maintenance

Storage solutions

  • Battery storage
  • Charging stations powered by renewable sources
  • Smart DC grid

Heat recovery

  • Heat pumps
  • Induction systems

Hydrogen solutions

  • Maintenance of electrolyzer and respective storage cells
Intelligent Lighting

With our intelligent lighting solution, we help our customers replace their old lighting with energy-efficient LED lighting and upgrade their facilities. As a result, they can reduce their energy consumption and save money at the same time. According to the customer’s factory requirements, our team assists them with lighting concepts looking at the size of the factory and the need for lighting in specific areas. We aim to provide our customers with customized lighting that meets their needs.


With our smart lighting service, we advance the state of facility lighting by providing a truly adaptive and intuitive lighting experience. By automatically adjusting the light based on the daylight level and motion detection, this service promises optimal lighting to customers while saving energy. Our smart lighting solution will create a more comfortable and productive work environment, which enhances the employees’ well-being.


Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of smart LED lighting and let us join you in creating a future that is just as sustainable and bright as your new lighting.


Enhanced lighting

  • LED upgrades
  • Smart LED installation
  • Lighting concepts
Climate Change Adaptation

At Leadec, we are committed to helping our customers create sustainable infrastructures that are resilient to climate change. Storms can pose a significant challenge to your operations, causing disruptions, damage and safety hazards. We have a range of solutions which detect storm damage using smart devices, and we provide cleaning and repair services. These include installation of necessary smart devices, grid and power services including emergency restoration, repair of plant equipment, inspection and repair of roofs, and cleaning services.


As part of this service, our experts conduct a risk analysis to assess the potential impact of all such adverse climate changes. This allows our customers to take proactive measures to mitigate the risks. We can help prepare your factories for storms, heatwaves, drought, flooding, and other consequences of climate change, which would then only lead to minimal damage of the facility during extreme weather conditions. With these precautionary services, you can minimize the employees’ safety risks and avoid unplanned shutdowns due to unfortunate damage.


Contact us now to learn more about how we can help make your factories resilient for the future with the following services:


Risk analysis

  • For plants and infrastructure regarding climate change impacts

Solutions for climate change adaptation

  • Storms
  • Drought
  • Heatwaves
  • Flooding

Circular Economy

Zero Waste Services

Zero waste services consist of a range of solutions which help customers minimize the amount of waste in their facilities. With the in-depth waste analysis, Leadec helps customers in developing strategies and creating zero waste plans. We provide support in our customers on their way to circular economy by providing waste collection and sorting services. Along with data recording and reporting, we conduct waste management audits to track the progress of our customers’ waste reduction status. With our digital disposal tracking service, the unnecessary movement and processing of empty or half-filled bins is avoided. With the help of the container and position data, the number of containers to be emptied and type of residue in the containers can be tracked. In this way, we assure optimized and efficient waste management in the factory.

With the zero waste services, Leadec supports customers in identifying the opportunities of reduction and building strategies to avoid waste generation in the first place. Our aim is to help our customers on their circular economy journey.

Battery waste management is one of the critical problems for many industries today. Our experienced technicians diagnose the fault and repair the batteries, reducing the need of costly battery replacements. Besides this, we provide a second battery life solution by reusing existing residual batteries for stationary purposes. We accompany our customers on their sustainability journey with the following solutions:


Waste recycling

  • Waste data recording
  • Waste collection and sorting
  • Manual waste disassembling
  • Waste data reporting

Zero waste strategies

  • Circular economy strategies
  • Zero waste principles
  • Waste management audits

Damaged battery repair

  • Battery repair
  • Second life battery applications
Sustainable Facility Services

Our sustainable facility services consist of a range of solutions to address different aspects of facility management. As part of our cleaning services, we use eco-friendly cleaning methods and products, thus minimizing the use of harmful chemicals and water consumption. Leadec’s use of electric vehicles and e-fuels for carrying out the operations in the facility contributes to reducing our customers’ carbon emissions. We use room occupancy detection to track people traffic in the area and plan the cleaning frequency accordingly. Similarly, with the help of window sensors, our facility experts detect open windows in the facility. This allows our experts to plan the cleaning frequency and to close the windows wherever necessary. With the help of such optimized cleaning schedules, Leadec provides energy-saving and cost-effective cleaning services to our customers.  


Along with the infrastructure upgrade and sustainable changes in the service, it has become essential to take measures to increase biodiversity around the facility. Leadec takes care of the biodiversity topic for its customers’ plants. We help our customers to ecologically improve their facility by taking care of the flora, fauna, and the microclimate. With our landscaping service, our team transforms the facility by planning and laying out trees and gardens. This helps in transforming the appearance and increasing biodiversity in the facility. We are here to help our customers in every way with the following services:


Green cleaning

  • Sensor-driven scheduling
  • Biodegradable
  • Phosphate free
  • Recycled content containers

Sustainable operations

  • Electric vehicles used
  • E-fuels used
  • Sustainable snow removal

Ecological facility upgrade

  • Greening
  • Landscaping to improve flora
  • Microclimate upgrade, e.g., removal of concreted soil for watering
  • Installation of animal habitats, e.g., beehives
Green Industrial Automation

Green Industrial Automation is a service that provides automation services for environmentally sustainable industries. Leadec understands the importance of the use of renewable resources, and our automation solutions focus exactly on that. We provide our automation services to industries such as solar cell production, hydrogen cell production, and all the industries that primarily work for reducing the negative environmental impact. We work closely with our customers to analyze the need of automation in their factory and develop customized solutions to fulfill their requirements. Along with the manufacturing industries, we also provide automation services to waste treatment or recycling plants. This allows the customer to sort the waste efficiently and to increase the yield of reuse. With our reliable, efficient and cost-effective automation services, we serve the following sectors, among others:
Automation systems for

  • Solar cell production
  • Hydrogen cell production
  • Recycling plants
  • Biomass plants
  • Equipment manufacturer of wind power plants
  • Hydrogen production
  • Hydrogen transport and storage

Practical examples

Waste separation is one of the biggest challenges in recycling plants. Due to the variety and mixture of different materials, it is often difficult to sort and process the waste efficiently. Automation solutions from Leadec help.

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Factory roofs are ideal for mounting photovoltaic systems. For sustainable and independent energy generation. Leadec specializes in covering the complete package for PV projects.

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Bees play an important role in our ecosystem because they pollinate more than 80 percent of all flowering plants. However, the number of bees has been declining for years and they are highly endangered. That's why Leadec employees take care of beehives at several sites in Germany, UK and Hungary. 

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Why choose Leadec for your sustainability journey?

Leadec understands the increasing importance of sustainability at the global and national levels and the importance to our stakeholders. We at Leadec want to use the opportunities of sustainability to increase our company’s and our stakeholder's success. We understand the challenges our customers encounter on their way to sustainable production. Our approach to corporate sustainability consulting is rooted in a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities that come with adopting eco-friendly practices. By choosing Leadec, you are choosing a path towards measurable, impactful change. And a company that truly understands the significance of ESG. That is why we are very committed ourselves and can bring this experience to the factories of this world with our Green Factory Solutions.

1. Expertise in Energy and Decarbonization Solutions

Our energy sustainability consulting services are tailored to reduce your carbon footprint and enhance energy efficiency. As a leading decarbonization company, we offer innovative decarbonization solutions and services, paving the way for a zero-emission industrial environment.

2. Tailored Sustainability Strategy Consulting

Recognizing that each factory has unique needs, our sustainability strategy consulting services are customized to align with your specific goals. Whether it's reducing waste, emissions, or energy consumption, our strategies are designed to deliver tangible results.

Leadec rated by EcoVadis

Leadec has received a silver rating in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) rating of the independent assessment platform EcoVadis.  The audit covers the areas of environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

With a score of 60 and a percentile of 80 Leadec now falls into the “Outstanding Category”, demonstrating a high level of sustainability maturity reflected in actions such as: a structured and proactive sustainability approach, wide coverage of policies and tangible actions, advanced KPI reporting and innovative practices.


Leadec's position among the top 13% of companies evaluated by EcoVadis in the electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities sector is a great success. In addition, we are among the top 9% of companies evaluated in the same industry for environmental performance and among the top 6% for sustainable procurement results.



"Negligible Risk" rated by Sustainalytics

The rating agency Sustainalytics rated Leadec's risk of significant financial impact from ESG factors as negligible with 8.4 points on a scale up to 100. In a global comparison, this places Leadec in rank 109 out of 15489. Leadec ranks 3rd percentile in global universe, 15th in commercial services and 2nd in business and support. The rating result of Sustainalytics takes into account the ESG risks that Leadec faces as a service specialist for the factory on the one hand and how the company deals with them on the other hand. Sustainalytics looks at ESG indicators from the following eight areas: Corporate Governance, Human Capital, Data Privacy and Security, Bribery and Corruption, Emissions, Effluents and Waste, Product Governance, Carbon (own operations), and Occupational Health & Safety.


One example of such a key performance indicator is the ecological footprint, which Sustainalytics also evaluates: In the area of CO2 emissions, Leadec makes a contribution, among other things, through a growing share of electricity from renewable energies, a simultaneous reduction in CO2 emissions and the use of environmentally compatible cleaning agents.



Leadec is part of the UN Global Compact

Leadec is strongly committed to a social and ecological global economy. In 2022, Leadec has joined the UN Global Compact, thus setting another visible sign of its commitment to the ten principles in the four areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. We want to make a proactive contribution in the UNGC network.



Leadec reports to the CDP

The not-for-profit organization "CDP" (formerly: Carbon Disclosure Project) supports companies, cities, states, and regions in their efforts to determine and manage risks as well as opportunities related to climate change, water, and deforestation. Leadec's annual reporting to the CDP will give further insights into how the company can improve and manage its environmental performance. This will ultimately help moving towards net zero and a sustainable, thriving economy.



Sustainability in the supply chain: SAQ 5.0

The Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ5) on Sustainability was developed by the automotive industry initiative "Drive Sustainability". The questionnaire covers questions in the areas of human rights and working conditions, environment, business ethics, supplier management, and responsible sourcing of raw materials. We constantly work on fulfilling customers sustainability requirements and therefore Leadec is successfully maintaining its SAQ rating higher than the industry average.

Green Hubs across Europe

To drive the development and implementation of the Green Factory Solutions even further, a total of eight knowledge hubs have been created in Germany and the UK. They act as centers for specialists and sales, pooling their expertise and working together on innovative and sustainable solutions for customers.    

  • Hoyerswerda (Green Industry Automation, Battery Repair & Second Life)
  • Ingolstadt (Intelligent Lighting)
  • Stuttgart (Sustainable Facility Services)
  • Sindelfingen (Zero Waste Services)
  • Kölleda/Arnstadt (Energy Efficiency Solutions)
  • Hanover (Renewable Energy Solutions)
  • Coventry (Zero Waste Services)

New green hub "Zero Waste Services"

Leadec has many years of experience in waste management in the UK. We already provide sustainable zero waste services to several well-known OEMs, ranging from waste collection and sorting services, waste analysis and waste stream management to the development of circular economy strategies. 


With the establishment of the new hub in Coventry, led by Sally Thomas, we drive the development and implementation of zero waste services even further. Thus, we are ideally positioned to meet the increased demand from our customers, particularly in light of stricter legislation such as the EU Green Deal.

More about the new Green Hub in Coventry

In episode 6 of the Leadec Factory Talks, Sally Thomas, Head of Waste and leader of the new Green Hub, provides insights into the topic of waste management. 

We do sustainability

  • Article

    Sustainability Report 2023: “Driving sustainable manufacturing together”

    The new sustainability report is available – and for the first time it is based on the new requirements of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). At the same time, it provides a comprehensive overview of projects and activities relating to sustainability at Leadec.

  • Brochure

    Sustainability Report 2023

    As the world’s leading service specialist for the entire life cycle of a factory, Leadec prioritizes ESG principles for a sustainable future. Our target is to lead our industry by example. The sustainability report 2023 was prepared according to the requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)/ European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). 

  • Article

    Packaging: Turning Disposable Into Reusable

    Packaging plays a central role in logistics and the supply chain. How can innovative solutions be developed to switch from disposable to reusable packaging? The Leadec team in India has developed flexible reusable containers and an entire supply chain system for this purpose. 

  • Interview

    “Sustainability and Digitalization Are the Big Issues”

    Leadec has been operating in Hungary for 30 years. Managing Director Ferenc Dákai has been with the company for almost as long. In this interview, he provides an insight into the Hungarian market, talks about current challenges, and draws his own personal conclusions.  

  • A Leadec employee driving with a forklift with a pallet of waste through factory.

    How Digital Waste Tracking is Making the Industry Greener

    Tracking waste and material flows in production facilities is crucial for improving recycling rates. This saves money and increases environmental sustainability. Leadec has gained experience in a comprehensive pilot project at an automotive manufacturer and is now implementing it in regular operation.

  • Video

    Leadec Factory Talks – Episode 7: Health & Safety

    What influence do new production methods and technologies, increasing digitalization and incentive systems have on occupational safety? Find out in episode 7 of our Factory Talks.

  • Article

    Project: Sustainability Made Globally

    The “Global Cleanup Week” at Leadec was born out of a small project idea. The aim was to offer employees an opportunity to get actively involved in the area of sustainability. And this happened with great success.

  • Video

    Leadec Factory Talks – Episode 6: Waste Management

    Waste management is no longer just about the disposal of waste. It has evolved from just dumping and burning waste to separate collection, sorting, and recycling to the circular economy, which sees waste as a resource.  Find out more in episode 6 of our Factory Talks.

  • Brochure

    Sustainability Report 2022

    Since the company’s beginnings more than 60 years ago, Leadec has been a people business. Placing sustainability at the heart of operations, and ensuring this reaches every person and every process, we again took steps and measures in 2022.

  • Employee with helmet standing in a waste sorting factory.

    Sorted, Not Mixed

    Waste separation is one of the biggest challenges in recycling plants. Due to the variety and mixture of different materials, it is often difficult to sort and process the waste efficiently. Automation solutions from Leadec help.

  • Article

    Rabbits on the Factory Lawn

    It may sound unusual, but factory sites are increasingly being used to create biodiversity. But what does it take to turn a conventional company site into a near-natural one?

  • Interview

    "Our Strength is Our Responsiveness"

    Ulrich Haas is the managing director of Leadec’s newest subsidiary in France. In this interview, he talks about the opportunities and challenges of the market and where the company’s focus lies.

  • Article

    With The Power of The Sun

    They are large, they are flat, and they are empty: factory roofs are ideal for mounting photovoltaic systems. For sustainable and independent energy generation. But what are the challenges and what needs to be considered?

  • Video

    Experts in the World of Manufacturing: Leadec Factory Talks

    Do you know our interview series “Factory Talks”? Leadec experts around the world talk about topics that are affecting factories and production (plants).

  • Video

    Leadec Factory Talks – Episode 5: Sustainable production

    How does a factory become climate-neutral? And how can manufacturers and service provider work together on the zero-emission factory? Find out in episode 5 of our Factory Talks.

  • Interview

    Safety at Leadec: Interview with Gordana Djurdjevic

    Gordana Djurdjevic is Corporate Environmental Health and Safety Manager at Leadec for the USA and Canada. In this interview, she reveals her philosophy and talks about the role played by occupational safety in the modern production environment. 

  • A virtual illustration of a factory with an assembly line and robot arms.

    "Digital Factory Experience": Virtual Insight Into the Digitized Factory

    From autonomous transport systems to digital weld seam testing - Leadec's range of products and services for the smart factory can now be experienced in a simulated environment. This is now available with a tour on the online platform "Digital Factory Experience".

  • Article

    Sustainability in Figures

    Leadec's latest sustainability report takes a look at the figures. And here it becomes clear: the activities to reduce the ecological footprint are paying off. 

  • Article

    Whitepaper: How Integrated Facility Management Optimizes Production

    ‘Crossing the yellow line’ is the title of our new whitepaper which highlights the benefits of Integrated Facility Management (IFM) for the food & beverage industry. Streamlining all support services through a single efficient model increases asset uptime and reduces maintenance costs.

  • Whitepaper

    Whitepaper: Integrated Facility Management (IFM)

    Unwanted machine downtime is a nightmare in the food industry. Our latest white paper explains how integrated facility management can help. 

  • Brochure

    Sustainability Report 2021

    Our sustainability program centers around four strategic commitments: managing our environmental impact, acting responsibly toward our employees and society, maintaining integrity as well as adding longterm customer value. Read more in our Sustainability Report. 

  • Article

    A First in Finance: Green Factoring

    How are respect for human rights and environmental protection related to the cost of a financial product? More directly than you might think. In Germany, Leadec has now developed and concluded the first so-called ESG-linked factoring agreement with a major financial partner.

  • Hand holding small tree for planting, various icons around it.

    For a Social and Ecological World Economy

    The UN Global Compact (UNGC) is the world’s largest initiative for sustainable and socially responsible corporate governance. Leadec recently joined the initiative.

  • Article

    Rating: Leadec Takes Sustainability in its Stride

    In its assessment of Leadec, the rating agency Sustainalytics rated the risk of significant financial impact from ESG factors as low. A visible sign of Leadec’s sustainability performance. In the industry overview regarding commercial services, Leadec has thus achieved one of the best ratings.

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