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15. September 2020

Digitization and networking in production: Leadec joins ICNAP research community

Stuttgart, 9/15/20 - Leadec is a new member of the International Center for Networked, Adaptive Production (ICNAP) under the leadership of the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT in Aachen. The ICNAP aims to find solutions for the transformation to Industry 4.0. Together with industrial partners it develops production systems and value chains and validates them on the basis of concrete manufacturing tasks.

“Digitization does not only make factories more intelligent. The associated services are also increasingly data-driven. In the ICNAP we are part of an active and heterogenous community which develops and manages new digital business models for the factory of the future,” explains Dr. Bernd Völpel, Head of the Smart Factory Group at Leadec. The 23 companies in the ICNAP community include, for example, ABB, Ericsson, Mitsubishi Electric Europe, MTU Aero Engines, Philips and Zeiss.


The Smart Factory Group is Leadec’s innovation hub which develops digital service offers, serves as a platform for the exchange with external technology partners and drives internal digitization. One example is Leadec’s new IoT Home Cloud to implement data-driven innovations, which interact seamlessly with the customers’ individual cloud technologies if required, in a professional and scalable manner.


Among other things, the ICNAP’s common projects in 2020 deal with the data exchange of digital twins, artificial intelligence in production and the economic advantages of digitized manufacturing. All ICNAP members can contribute their specific requirements to the studies and developments. They benefit from the results on digitization and networking of various technical products, processes and company networks.

Portrait of Dr. Bernd Voelpel, Head of Smart Factory Group at Leadec.

Dr. Bernd Völpel, Head of the Smart Factory Group at Leadec