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24. January 2023

Leadec: Integrated Facility Management for factories

Stuttgart, Germany, 01/24/23 – With its Integrated Facility Management offer developed specifically for manufacturing companies, Leadec fills the gap for technical services in the growing IFM market. Customers receive a one-stop solution across sites, regions, or countries, based on our technical expertise and reliable services covering the entire factory lifecycle.

“The future belongs to IFM. However, there are a lot of suppliers with a background in building management. Leadec, on the other hand, has 60 years of experience at more than 300 factories worldwide. Customers benefit from our technical expertise, wide range of services that we provide ourselves, and regional footprint,” says Markus Glaser-Gallion, CEO of Leadec.

Leadec’s IFM offering is a customized package of technical and soft FM services. It includes, for example, electrical installation and maintenance, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, compressed air, as well as janitorial services, landscaping and more. 

Our Leadec.os digital platform is implemented as the central control platform and help desk. It is used to digitally manage all IFM service processes, and the status of each individual task is traceable in real time. This not only creates transparency, but also ensures paperless and legally compliant documentation.

Technical competence and experience

“We empower our customers to fully concentrate on their core business because they only have one interface to us as a reliable service partner. In our IFM offering, we bundle our services for the manufacturing industry, combine them with our digital solution, and offer them across sites,” adds Markus Glaser-Gallion. 


The latest order proves that Integrated Facility Management is the way forward. In October 2022, Leadec won a multi-year contract for IFM in Mexico and Brazil with an international technology and service company.

Leadec team talking in factory.