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08. August 2018

Leadec US Receives Exceptional Performance Award from Toyota

Cincinnati, Ohio – August 8, 2018 – Leadec US is honored to receive another award from its longtime customer Toyota Motor North America.

Leadec received the tough-to-earn “Exceptional Performance 2017 – Value Improvement (VI)” supplier award at the annual Toyota Indirect Supplier Conference in June 2018. This award category is focused on Kaizen: continual improvement and cost savings. The criteria are demanding and there is a strict approval process.


Suppliers are given a target of 1 percent of annual sales in approved value improvement submissions. Leadec submitted .5 percent value improvement submissions this year and received an award for being one of the top five Toyota indirect suppliers for approved value improvement and general cost savings.


The Leadec US team has worked with Toyota since 1998. It is currently operating at assembly plants in Indiana, Texas, and Kentucky as well as engine plants in West Virginia and Alabama.


Leadec US was awarded for exceptional performance by Toyota North America for the third consecutive year. Last year Leadec achieved 2 percent and received the first Place Superior Award for VI. In 2016 Leadec won the same award as this year for a Top Five Supplier in "Value Improvement" (VI).