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For a Social and Ecological World Economy

The UN Global Compact (UNGC) is the world’s largest initiative for sustainable and socially responsible corporate governance. Leadec recently joined the initiative and is setting a visible example.

Responsible action is firmly anchored in the fundamental principles at Leadec. This is reflected, among other things, in the Code of Conduct, the annual sustainability report and the sustainability goals that have been formulated. Behind these are activities relating to environmental protection, the reduction of greenhouse gases, health protection and the fight against corruption. Now Leadec has joined the UN Global Compact, thus setting another visible sign of its commitment to the ten principles in the four areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. “It’s more than a signature,” says Markus Glaser-Gallion, CEO of Leadec, who signed the Letter of Commitment. “We know our responsibility as a global company with 20,000 employees and the impact we have on society and the environment.”

We are in! And what now?

“We want to make a proactive contribution in the UNGC network,” says Markus Bölke, who is globally responsible for sustainability at Leadec. “We exchange ideas, present our sustainability and CSR activities and are very interested in the other companies’ best practices.” At the same time, participating in the UNGC is only one component of Leadec’s sustainability strategy. Sustainability goals and results are what Leadec’s activities are measured against. For example, the rating agency Sustainalytics recently rated Leadec’s risk of significant financial impact from ESG factors as low in its assessment. A visible sign of Leadec’s sustainability performance. In 2020, total energy consumption was reduced by 20% and waste by as much as 25%. And this is to continue. By 2025, for example, 65% of electricity is to come from renewable sources. At the same time, Leadec is consistently working on expanding its own, more sustainable services to also support customers on their way to becoming carbon neutral. “The path is clear and challenging, and we are looking forward to the exchange of ideas in this area as well,” says Markus Bölke.  




universal principles



Making a difference globally

The UNGC brings together some 19,000 companies and organizations from civil society, politics and academia in more than 170 countries worldwide. The shared vision: a more inclusive and sustainable economy for the benefit of all people, communities and markets, today and in the future. This is to be achieved primarily through joint action; the UN Global Compact is a practice-oriented learning and dialogue platform for the network partners. Here, case studies, concrete guidelines and tools for the implementation of globally valid basic principles are published and promoted.

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