Leadec Takes Sustainability in its Stride
In its assessment of Leadec, the rating agency Sustainalytics rated the risk of significant financial impact from ESG factors (ESG stands for Environment, Social, Governance) as low. A visible sign of Leadec’s sustainability performance. In the industry overview regarding commercial services, Leadec has thus achieved one of the best ratings.
Are an oil company, an IT company and a service specialist for the factory comparable in terms of their ESG risks? Absolutely! That’s exactly what happens in the assessment by Sustainalytics, a rating agency that has confirmed Leadec a “low risk” with 13.1 points on the scale up to 100. The focus here is on financial-material risks that are relevant to the company’s value.
Combined indicators
The rating result takes into account the risks that Leadec faces as a service specialist for the factory on the one hand and how the company deals with them on the other. Sustainalytics looks at ESG indicators such as data security, dealing with the shortage of skilled workers, product quality and safety and occupational health and safety. An example of such a key performance indicator is product governance, i.e., how Leadec fulfills its responsibility to customers with regard to product quality and safety. Sustainalytics focuses on quality management systems, marketing methods, appropriate invoicing and post-contract liability. Leadec ensures that production is up and running at more than 300 sites around the world, keeping a close eye on potential risks – such as the failure of a plant. With a variety of measures, such as regular training for employees, a set of emergency measures and independent ISO 9001 certification for quality management, Leadec is well above the average of the companies assessed. Another example is the ecological footprint, which Sustainalytics also evaluates: In the area of CO2 emissions, the company makes a contribution, among other things, through a growing share of electricity from renewable energies, a simultaneous reduction in CO2 emissions or the use of environmentally compatible cleaning agents.
Sustainalytics’ database contains more than 14,000 assessed companies from all industries. “The main point is to show that we have the means and knowledge to manage potential risks that could harm our company financially,” says Markus Bölke, who is globally responsible for sustainability at Leadec. And that applies regardless of the industry. In the industrial environment and also with a view to its market competitors, Leadec occupies a particularly good position. “The fact that we have achieved this straight away makes us proud and at the same time confirms our sustainability strategy,” Markus Bölke continues.