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Short Survey: Personnel Requirements for Electromobility

In cooperation with the market research company Lünendonk, Leadec conducted a survey of 50 leading personnel service providers in Germany. The result: B2B service companies are playing a key role in the transformation of the automotive industry toward electromobility. More than half of the participating companies stated that they already receive orders from this to a significant extent. 





Positive outlook

The outlook for the future is positive across the board for the companies analyzed: Regardless of the focus of their activities, they expect -with few exceptions -a significant increase in demand for their services. Two-thirds of the personnel service providers surveyed expect demand for personnel to support the development, production and assembly of components around e-drive trains to increase over the next three years.

Particularly important: Software

Demand is particularly high in the (further) development of components and the associated software. Two-thirds of the personnel service providers surveyed expect demand for personnel to support the development, production and assembly of components around e-drive trains to increase over the next three years. A particularly strong increase in demand is also forecast around vehicle batteries. 

Recycling of batteries is less important

The further use of batteries after their use in a car as a “second life battery”, is often still in its early stages. This was also revealed by the survey: 54% of respondents stated that the topic is of very minor importance when it comes to service.

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For the Lünendonk® flash survey "Personnel requirements for electromobility", 50 personnel, engineering service and industrial service companies in Germany were surveyed online from October 29, 2021 to November 15, 2021. 

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