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20. May 2021

Moving responsibly into the future: Leadec publishes 2020 Sustainability Report

Stuttgart, 05/20/21 – Leadec has presented its sustainability report for 2020. In it, the service specialist describes its actions and focus on sustainability in a year full of challenges. During the pandemic, Leadec has placed great emphasis on the health and safety of its employees, while making progress in reducing energy consumption, waste production and emissions.

For the first time, the sustainability report has been prepared in accordance with GRI Standard 102 and explains in detail Leadec’s objectives and results in the four strategic core areas of “taking care of our employees and society,” “managing our environmental impact,” “maintaining integrity” and “adding long-term value for the customer”.


For Markus Glaser-Gallion, CEO of the Leadec Group, the sustainability report is a living paper that sharpens the focus on the future: “We have four strategic areas on our agenda into which we are putting all our energy and drive. In 2020, we have integrated these even more strongly into our business activities and raised awareness among ourselves and our stakeholders.”


Occupational health and safety and infection control

Safety for the workforce is a top priority at Leadec. For example, the lost time injury frequency rate was 1.7, well above the industry benchmark of 5.4. Leadec is currently rolling out a global HSEQ software to record and process infection incidents at its more than 300 sites worldwide. This gives the 2,000 or so people responsible transparency about potential risks at the touch of a button and enables them to actively manage them.


Reducing energy consumption and waste

For Leadec as a service specialist, there are two main levers for contributing to greater environmental protection: the company fleet and the cleaning agents used. Among other things, emissions have been reduced by gradually switching to electric vehicles or electrically powered forklifts. In Germany, for example, over 50% of electricity came from renewable sources in 2020. Leadec-wide, total energy consumption decreased by 20% compared to 2019. Through extensive employee training on economical use of increasingly biodegradable surfactants, Leadec reduced waste produced by 25%.


Goals firmly in sight

Leadec has defined sustainability goals for 2025 and aligned them with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). In addition to a lost time injury frequency rate of 1.5, the company aims to obtain 65% of its electricity from sustainable sources and to reduce CO2 emissions by a further 15% in relation to total output. For customers, Leadec wants to be a strong and proactive partner when it comes to their sustainability goals or the path to a “zero emission” factory. Markus Glaser-Gallion: “Sustainability is a global challenge for society as a whole that we take on and actively drive forward in all its urgency with ourselves and our stakeholders.”

Glass globe lies on the floor against a green background.

Press contact

Dr. Marion Hebach

Head of Global Communications