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  • It's time to celebrate: Leadec turns 60! And we want to do that together with a look at our past, the present and how we at Leadec are approaching the future.
  • 60 years of Leadec

    It's time to celebrate: Leadec turns 60! And we want to do that together with a look at our past, the present and how we at Leadec are approaching the future.

At the heart of manufacturing

In 1962 the foundation stone for today’s company was laid – with the founding of the boiler cleaning company Reichenberger & Co. in Munich. During the last 6 decades Leadec has experienced so many different phases. But through all these years, some things have never changed:


We are at home in the factory. We maintain long-term relationships with our customers. And we are absolutely dedicated to what we do: Services for the entire life cycle of a factory and the related infrastructure.

Latest news

6060 euros for six different projects

Leadec is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2022 and is donating 6060 euros each to six charitable initiatives. They were suggested by employees of the globally active service provider for the factory. In a 60-day challenge, they walked, ran or biked to raise donations for projects close to their hearts.


Press release

The whole Leadec team got active during the "60 Day Challenge".

The most important milestones in our history

  • 1962: Founding of the company (Kesselreinigungsgesellschaft Reichenberger & Co.) in Munich, Germany. Core activities: technical cleaning and maintenance
  • 1985: Company renamed Deutsche Industriewartung GmbH & Co. KG (DIW)
  • 2000: Voith acquires DIW and establishes the division Voith Industrial Services
  • 2005: Expansion into America through the acquisition of Premier Group, Cincinnati, USA
  • 2006: Majority takeover of Hörmann Industrietechnik, Kirchseeon, Germany
  • 2009: Expansion into Asia through the establishment of company in China
  • 2013: Takeover of ThyssenKrupp Services in UK
  • 2016: Voith Industrial Services is purchased by private equity firm Triton
  • 2017: Voith Industrial Services becomes Leadec
  • 2018: Focus on core portfolio by sale of Veltec business (process industry)
  • 2020: Acquisition of Diversified Automation (DA), Louisville, KY, USA
  • Until today: Focus on the manufacturing industry, expansion of the technical portfolio through acquisitions

We never stand still

Although there are different roots, Leadec acts as one team. And transformation is never-ending. But we pursue our vision: to be the leading service specialist for the factory of today and tomorrow. 


We are pleased to receive congratulations from clients, partners and companions from all over the world! It is an honor and we say thank you very much! 

José Zago

Mercedes Benz do Brasil

I´m very happy and honored to congratulate Leadec on its 60 years, a large part of which we had the opportunity to work as a true team.

Together we implemented a new work concept within Mercedes Benz at the Juiz de Fora Plant, a challenge for that moment when we lived moments of celebrations and difficulties. We have always lived together guided by the principles of respect, commitment and mutual collaboration, where objectives and goals were always defined and achieved jointly in order to always bring growth to both companies. I wish Leadec to continue with this innovative spirit, always looking for partnership and the development of its team.

Martina Merz


Developing goals, making a contribution and being effective – these are success factors of companies. Over the past 60 years, Leadec has moved the idea of service forward in a global and challenging market environment. My sincere congratulations on this! In my role as an advisory board member, I have been able to accompany you on this journey to some extent, and it has once again become clear that teamwork can move mountains. As a team, you will tackle the challenges that move us industrial companies. Whether it’s digitization, which is bringing about profound changes for entire societies, or the transformation needed to create a green future. This calls for all of us, and I wish the entire company every success in this endeavor as well!

Raoul Michel

TÜV Thüringen

60 years of Leadec speak for themselves: A company that can assert itself on the market for such a long time is obviously doing a lot right. We offer our sincere congratulations and are proud to have been able to contribute a small part to this success story for many years. During the audits we conducted for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certifications, our contact persons always exuded great competence and, just like us, were constantly on the lookout for further potential for improvement. The experts at TÜV Thüringen are looking forward to supporting Leadec’s next steps and wish the company continued success!

Martin Huth, Claus von Hermann, Stephan Förschle, Eric Stöcklin, Eckhard Hoffmann, Dominik Weissbacher, Sebastian Gocksch, Jonathon Milne

Triton Partners

60 years of Leadec: what a remarkable story! Just as the world has changed through globalization, automation and robotics, digitalization and e-mobility, Leadec has evolved from a boiler cleaning company to a reliable partner for the smart factory of today and tomorrow. Expertise, quality, reliability and stability make Leadec the right address for customers in a wide range of industries in a world that is constantly changing. The success proves Leadec right and we are proud to accompany Leadec, the employees and the management around Markus Glaser-Gallion on this journey. Happy birthday to the team from the entire Triton team!

Harry Nieman

Premier / Voith

Happy birthday and congratulations to an obviously sustainable, very diverse, incredibly talented and highly dedicated global team. I am honored to have played a part in this amazing story and look forward to watching the current and future team members pursue the next level of excellence. All the best. 

You FengQing

Shanghai Volkswagen Powertrain Co., Ltd.

On the 60th anniversary of Leadec, on behalf of Shanghai Volkswagen Powertrain Co., Ltd., I would like to send my sincere congratulations. For the past decade, Leadec has provided us with high-quality service, which has contributed to our development. We are looking forward to the win-win future for both Leadec and VWPT.

Joachim Flach


Congratulations on the 60th anniversary of your company. I have been working with the employees of Leadec for many years and appreciate their flexibility, their reliability and the independent completion of tasks. The employees are consistently convincing, both in terms of quality and quantity. I am very much looking forward to further years of close and trustful cooperation.

Dieter Voigtländer

Hörmann Group

As former Managing Director of Hörmann Industrietechnik and Voith Industrial Services – both companies became Leadec – I would like to extend my congratulations on the occasion of the company’s 60th anniversary.

As the first East German CEO of the Hörmann Group in 1990, I look at Leadec’s development with great respect and consider myself fortunate to have played a part in its global, successful positioning. I wish you continued great success.


Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut

Minister of Economic Affairs of Baden-Württemberg

The successful transformation of a boiler cleaning company into a creative and globally active digitization service provider for the industry of today and tomorrow is emblematic of Leadec’s courageous and determined entrepreneurship, which has now been in place for 60 years. My heartfelt congratulations on this special anniversary, which is based on innovation, constructive collaboration and customer orientation. Through your open-mindedness and valuable support to the businesses you serve, you are an important part of our sustainable value creation. Leadec’s creative power and pioneering spirit will continue to meet a high demand in the future.

Joao Luis Sandoval Ricciarelli

Canadian Bearings

I was fortunate enough to be invited to join Leadec in 2017 and I found myself fully integrated just few days after, because this is how Leadec is,, a passionate organization consisting of outstanding people in all different regions. The company embraces everyone! You do feel at home from day one. Here I learned even more on how to become more customer centric, taking risks with focus on results and had my voice heard. Congratulations on achieving this important milestone to this wonderful company which I was proud of being part of. Cheers to the next 60 years and more!

Michael Graf

PricewaterhouseCoopers WPG GmbH

We would of course also like to congratulate you on your 60th anniversary! To be continuously on the market as a trustworthy partner for the industry for so many years is a testament to enormous expertise and not least a remarkable team achievement!


We are delighted that we at PwC Germany have been able to accompany you on your transformation journey. Together with you, we have digitized core business processes as part of the Salesforce project, optimizing sales and service processes. For this project, we have jointly won the Salesforce Partner Innovation Award in the service category. In our opinion, a worthy conclusion to an exciting joint project.


We would therefore like to take this opportunity not only to congratulate you on your anniversary but also to let you know that it has been a pleasure working with you! Because, while acknowledging the progress that technology and digital logistics have brought us, it’s the human contacts that build trust and allow us to be successful.


Thank you for your trust and, once again, congratulations!

Dr. Lukas Biedermann


We would like to congratulate Leadec on its 60th anniversary. We are impressed with the consistency with which Leadec produces innovations and thus acts as a leading service specialist in the manufacturing industry. We look forward to setting new standards in spare parts management together and continuing the success story in the coming years.   

Christian Schäfer

RedAnts Group

Leadec and the RedAnts Group are connected by a long-standing business partnership, which has always been characterized by fair cooperation between the persons involved.

On that note we wish the employees and the company Leadec all the best, successful business and always a happy hand in all decisions for the next 60 years.

Alberto Cintra

Voith Group

It is a great satisfaction to see Leadec's 60th anniversary. A date to be celebrated and full of great achievements, supported by very high quality of your services, technical and commercial partnerships. Congratulations to the entire board of directors and employees. Big hugs to all!

Jörg Escher

Opel Automobile

Congratulations on the 60th anniversary of Leadec! I would like to extend my special wishes to the employees who, over a long period of time, have made the company what it is today. They have provided remarkable services at our site and thus also contributed to our further development. We are looking forward to continuing our mutually successful and future-oriented relationship.

Fernando Leite

Mercedes-Benz do Brasil

Congratulations on the 60th anniversary of this competent company. We have worked with Leadec for many years and the professionalism combined with dedication makes Leadec a vanguard company.

Norman Kriebel

Kriebel electrics GmbH

We are very pleased to congratulate Leadec and all employees on the 60th anniversary of the company. Thank you for being such a good neighbor, it’s a pleasure working with you. We are looking forward to many more years of cooperation. We wish Leadec continued success in serving its customers.

Karl Lossie

Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT

I got to know Leadec as part of its membership in our International Center for Networked, Adaptive Production ICNAP. Working with you to advance and develop the digitalization of industry is a great enrichment. I am particularly pleased about the consistently high level of commitment and passion with which the people at Leadec participate in our community. In this way, Leadec contributes significantly to the success of the community and to the open exchange between our members. On that note, I am convinced that the next 60 years in Leadec’s history will also be a success, and I congratulate you most sincerely on your anniversary.

Andreas Laible


Congratulations on the 60th anniversary of your company. I have been working with the employees of Leadec for many years and appreciate their flexibility, their reliability and the independent completion of tasks. The employees are consistently convincing, both in terms of quality and quantity. I am very much looking forward to further years of close and trustful cooperation.

Dirk Slama

Conference Chair Bosch ConnectedWorld

60 years – from Industry 2.0 to 3.0 to 4.0 – what an exciting journey! I am pleased to have been able to accompany you on a small part of this journey over the last few years and wish you continued success in the future: From Industry 4.1 to 5.0, there is of course still some way to go. I am looking forward to shaping and following the path together and then celebrating the joint successes!

Dr. Frank Nopper

Lord Mayor of the State Capital Stuttgart

As Lord Mayor of the State Capital Stuttgart, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to the entire workforce of the Leadec Group on the occasion of the company’s 60th anniversary!

In six decades, your company has developed from a boiler cleaning company into a globally active service company – with more than 300 locations and around 18,000 employees worldwide. You have written this impressive success story to a large extent from Stuttgart, where many of your customers are also based. I would like to thank you very much for this commitment to our location. In doing so, you are making a significant contribution to the performance and reputation of our business location.

To ensure that you continue to remain loyal to Stuttgart, I will continue to work hard to ensure that your company finds optimal conditions in the state capital. On that note, I wish the Leadec Group and all its dedicated employees continued success and enjoyment in their daily work!

Walter Schmidt

Chairman of the Advisory Board

On behalf of the entire Advisory Board and on a very personal note, I would like to congratulate you on the company’s 60th anniversary. It is a significant milestone that deserves great recognition. With your daily performance, you have made it possible that Leadec, on its 60th anniversary, can not only be proud of what it has achieved, but can also look to the future with confidence. After all, it is the employees who have made Leadec what it is today. In an extraordinarily demanding business model and in very volatile times, we set standards as a market-leading company and are a reliable partner for our customers. The Advisory Board will do its utmost to continue to support you in developing Leadec successfully into the future for the benefit of our customers, employees and shareholders. I am convinced that together we will continue Leadec’s success story into the future!

Thomas P. Wagner


May I warmly congratulate the management team and the entire staff of the Leadec Group on this great anniversary. When dealing with Leadec, we ourselves and also our customers always immediately feel that everyone from the Leadec team lives this enormous passion for excellent service, that you are proud of your achievements, extraordinary skills and innovative strength. You live and breathe ‘service’ and inspire the most demanding customers worldwide with it. Our warmest congratulations on this tremendous performance. For the coming decades, we wish you continued success and a fantastic continuation of your great story.

Heinz Runte

Hörmann Group

A 60th anniversary can only be celebrated by those who always show outstanding performance. Congratulations! We are very pleased to know that our former employees are working for a highly successful company that offers sophisticated technical services.We wish you many more successes in the future.


Hayri Düre


60 years – that deserves a big round of applause. Congratulations!

Ravi Gogia

Fiat India

First of all let me congratulate Leadec for completing 60 years of success in business.


Leadec India has achieved tremendous growth and have built Goodwill in the Industry. Leadec India, over the years have developed strong customer base and generated employment of over 2600 personnel spread across India. As Leadec is in the Services business in India, it is therefore of paramount importance that it exceeds customer’s expectation, which has been amply demonstrated by you and your team  starting your business with us in 2010, to having more than 40 customers across the length and breadth of India.


Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.


The above saying holds true for our partnership with Leadec Industrial services, formerly known as Voith Industrial Services. We at Fiat India Automobiles Private Limited duly recognize and appreciate how our partnership has evolved, since we started our work in September 2010.  Perhaps, this  was the first annual paint shop maintenance contract for us as well as for Leadec in India . Since then, Leadec has been successfully walking with us shoulder to shoulder as a reliable business partner.


Leadec has always taken excellent initiatives in Safety management. Their effort for implementation of Autonomous and Professional Maintenance are resulting in better uptime and utilization of the paint shop.


As we continue in this partnership, am sure that Leadec India with its Professional and Subject Matter Expertise will bring further value add to the business.


I wish Leadec India good luck and looking forward to a long and fruitful relationship.

Roland Bernhard

District Administrator Boeblingen

I would like to congratulate Leadec very warmly on its 60th anniversary. The district of Böblingen is a strong economic district. It thrives on its large companies, medium-sized businesses and hidden champions. Leadec is a leading industrial service provider with 60 years of industry experience, over 300 locations worldwide and 350 employees in Sindelfingen. It is a company that has grown, embraces challenges and always keeps a watchful eye on technologies and trends.

I wish the company continued success in the future.

Nina Stojic

Detroit Diesel Corporation

Leadec has cemented a positive partnership with our organization. Launching facility management operations with a brand new partner after being serviced by a competitor vendor for several decades was not an easy decision. Leadec’s project launch team has put our concerns to rest, exceeding our expectations and demonstrating that hospitality is at the forefront of Leadec staff’s approach to FM. We look forward to a long-term partnership, showcasing a true success strategy for our FM onsite services.

Paulo Sentieiro

Durr Brasil

Congratulations on this important celebration, few companies come to this celebration with success and accomplishments that you have achieved.

Bernadett Zajovicsné Vizer

LURKÓ Foundation

Congratulations to Leadec on its 60-year anniversary. We share the joy, as our foundation is also celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2022. We are proud to have a long and excellent relationship with the Hungarian subsidiary. Year after year, we can count on the CSR support of Leadec Kft., which is helping us achieve our main goal of making it easier for sick children to spend time in hospital. We wish the company further success in the future.


Jasmina Hostert

Member of the German Bundestag

When the foundation stone for today’s Leadec was laid in 1962, hardly anyone would have guessed what a great journey Leadec would take one day. While many companies were unable to withstand the competitive pressures of globalization, Leadec continued to develop steadily and even managed to make a big name for itself internationally, thus becoming a global partner.

I am therefore very pleased to have in my constituency such a successful company that has been safeguarding jobs for decades and, despite its international orientation, still focuses on local customers. Congratulations on your 60th anniversary and good luck for the future! I look forward to following your future development and wish you all the best.


Prof. Dr. Hermut Kormann

Leadec’s employees are to be congratulated for the way the company has developed over its 60-year history. It now occupies a viable leadership position with its global presence for its customer industry. It is a 60-year history with a consistent tradition of service to industrial customers. During visits to customers, the sites and in discussions with managers, I was repeatedly impressed by the employees’ strength in serving customers and the respect that customers showed them.

And I was always pleased to hear that additional service offerings could be developed. Technical services is a dynamic field of work for creative employees and entrepreneurial owners. All the best until the next anniversary and far beyond.


Fernando Tosca

General Motors

Congratulations on the first 60 years! It is a pleasure to work with a company that has grown so much in the last few years and that prioritizes customer service. Staying in the sector for these years is not easy but the talent and dedication of its employees have positioned it as a very important company in the market. Keep working to achieve the goals and for sure the future will bring many more successes! Receive my sincere greetings and a hug to all.


Winfried Kretschmann

Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg

Innovation, inventiveness and technological change have always been a top priority in Baden-Württemberg. Nowhere else is so much invested in research and development as in the state of tinkerers, inventors and patents. We are therefore extremely pleased that the Leadec Group, a globally active company with a large number of locations, has been operating its headquarters in our state capital for many years and is committed to precisely this change and progress. Here, in the heart of “The Länd,” the factories of the future are being planned and forward-looking technologies are being advanced thanks to this creative energy. There could not be a better location to make company history. On behalf of the state government, I would like to offer my sincere congratulations on the company’s 60th anniversary. I wish the management and the entire workforce wonderful anniversary celebrations and continued success in the future!

Nicole Schmidt

Wagon Automotive

Congratulations on your 60th anniversary, Leadec! We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the many years of excellent support as a reliable service provider. Furthermore, we wish you the necessary success to continue positioning yourself as a leading service specialist for the factory in the market.

Werner Weinmann

Former DIW / Voith

Today, Leadec can look back on six decades of corporate history. 60 years in which the company has shown in all its facets how it has been able to adapt to changing markets and requirements. And its success did not and does not come by chance. In the factories and offices, there has always been a mentality of getting things done, of being close to the customer and of working together in a spirit of trust. Our motto: “We give our best!” I am proud to have shaped the company over 40 years of this journey and still follow where everything is going. From initial expansion activities back then to a leading global service specialist today. And on a personal note, I am delighted to see that some of the employees from my former team are still helping to steer Leadec’s fortunes today. With this in mind, I would like to congratulate the entire staff and wish them continued success in all their endeavors!

Martin Hennerici

Former DIW / Voith

Outsourcing was still largely unknown when Leadec provided its first services to industrial companies under the then name Kesselreinigungsgesellschaft Reichenberger & Co. in Munich in 1962. What seemed exotic at the time has developed into an unparalleled success story. Accordingly, Leadec’s range of services today includes everything that is essential for the operation of a factory and for trouble-free production processes, from industrial cleaning to infrastructural services and factory maintenance to highly specialized technical services such as the automation of production facilities. The “global reach” has also expanded significantly over the decades. Outsourcing has taken off on a worldwide triumphant march and, as a logical consequence, Leadec is now active in all major industrialized nations. There is no end in sight to this development. The industrial logic of outsourcing continues unabated, and Leadec will remain an essential player in the symbiosis between industry and service providers in the decades to come. I wish Leadec and especially the great Leadec team continued success.

Prof. Dr. Heiner Lasi & Michael Köhnlein


“There will always be a frontier where there is an open mind and a willing hand.” (Charles Franklin Kettering)

Leadec’s now 60-year history shows that they have strong and creative hands. We have been able to experience the open-minded spirit of Leadec and their entrepreneurship in joint activities over the past five years. We are happy about your anniversary and congratulate you on your curiosity, courage, initiative and creativity. Together we have broken new ground and left our mark nationally and internationally in science and business. Let us courageously go further and conquer the new digital world.

With heartfelt congratulations and great respect for hand and mind.

Roberto Leme

Former CEO of Leadec Brazil

My congratulations to this great company, to which I dedicated 20 years of my professional career, first as CEO for the Brazilian branch, additionally as Member of the Global Board of Management and finally as a consultant, after my retirement from executive positions. We always worked very hard as a team, but also had lots of fun. I lived many memorable stories, witnessed great achievements, as well as developed lifetime friendships. I wish Leadec all the very best! Many thanks for all these years of cooperation, I will never forget you.    

Joaquin Prado

Open Manufacturing Platform (OMP)

Congratulations, Leadec, on your 60 year anniversary! Your membership in the Open Manufacturing Platform (OMP) and contribution towards open-source development and standards in the manufacturing industry is highly valued. We are looking forward to continuing to co-create together.

Focus on the future

We know where we come from. But it is at least as essential that we have a clear vision of where we want to go. That's why we're already working intensively on various topics for the future.

  • Two Leadec employees in protective clothing repairing a defective battery.

    Automobilwoche article: Lack of skilled workers slows down Leadec

    Leadec CEO Markus Glaser-Gallion talks in the "Automobilwoche" about the lack of skilled workers, current business developments and strategic topics like e-mobility, integrated facility management and automation at Leadec.

  • Article

    Sustainability Report 2023: “Driving sustainable manufacturing together”

    The new sustainability report is available – and for the first time it is based on the new requirements of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). At the same time, it provides a comprehensive overview of projects and activities relating to sustainability at Leadec.

  • Brochure

    Sustainability Report 2023

    As the world’s leading service specialist for the entire life cycle of a factory, Leadec prioritizes ESG principles for a sustainable future. Our target is to lead our industry by example. The sustainability report 2023 was prepared according to the requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)/ European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). 

  • Interview

    Marissa’s journey: from technical cleaner to service line manager

    Marissa has been part of the Canadian Leadec team in Oakville since 2015. She started as a technical cleaner in the final department. Since January 2023, she has been responsible for technical cleaning at the site as service line manager. 

  • Article

    Packaging: Turning Disposable Into Reusable

    Packaging plays a central role in logistics and the supply chain. How can innovative solutions be developed to switch from disposable to reusable packaging? The Leadec team in India has developed flexible reusable containers and an entire supply chain system for this purpose. 

  • Video

    Working at Leadec: Vinit about variety

    Respect, team spirit and variety are the foundation of our work. Vinit describes why his work at Leadec is varied.

  • Article

    Cleanroom Cleaning: 100% Precise

    In the world of microelectronics, where tiny components form the basis of sustainable innovations, precision is everything. Cleanrooms play an indispensable role in this demanding environment. To ensure that everything remains sterile, Leadec teams take care of the cleaning.

  • Interview

    “Sustainability and Digitalization Are the Big Issues”

    Leadec has been operating in Hungary for 30 years. Managing Director Ferenc Dákai has been with the company for almost as long. In this interview, he provides an insight into the Hungarian market, talks about current challenges, and draws his own personal conclusions.  

  • Video

    Working at Leadec: Elia about respect

    Respect, team spirit and variety are the foundation of our work. Elia describes what respect means to him.

  • Interview

    Jesse's journey: from technical cleaner to service line manager

    Jesse Mack started out as a technical cleaner 15 years ago, back then at Premier in the USA. He took a different path for a while and returned to Leadec in 2021. 

  • Interview

    “It's Often About a Higher Level of Automation”

    E-commerce and online retail are booming. More than 160 billion parcels are sent worldwide every year. In this interview, Thomas Leitner, Vice President Global Business Development, explains the role Leadec plays in this and the opportunities this industry offers.

  • Video

    Working at Leadec: Coralie about team spirit

    Respect, team spirit and variety are the foundation of our work. Coralie describes why her work at Leadec is characterized by team spirit. 

  • Portrait of colleague Yu from China.

    Yu's journey: from intern to maintenance supervisor

    Yu from China started his career as an intern in 2008. Since 2021 he has been maintenance supervisor and appreciates the trusting working environment at Leadec. 

  • An electric vehicle at a charging station with a plugin.

    No Charging Without Charging Stations

    More and more electric vehicles are on Germany’s roads. And they are hungry for electricity! Preferably available quickly and everywhere. As a technical specialist, Leadec is also on the road, installing, monitoring, and maintaining charging stations for a major car manufacturer to meet the demand.

  • Video

    How Leadec is Shaping Digitalization

    How are Leadec.os, digitalization, new business models and Leadec's future readiness related? The video on our digital capabilities is all about that! Find out first-hand from colleagues how Leadec is transforming the factory of today and tomorrow with digitally driven service solutions. 

  • A Leadec employee driving with a forklift with a pallet of waste through factory.

    How Digital Waste Tracking is Making the Industry Greener

    Tracking waste and material flows in production facilities is crucial for improving recycling rates. This saves money and increases environmental sustainability. Leadec has gained experience in a comprehensive pilot project at an automotive manufacturer and is now implementing it in regular operation.

  • Portrait of Christof Baumgart, Head of Global Human Resources & Organization (HR) at Leadec

    Digitalization, services, and diversity in HR management

    Currently, more than 24,000 Leadec specialists work for over 350 production sites. In this interview Christof Baumgart, Head of Global Human Resources & Organization (HR), talks about Leadec as a “people-centric business” and how targeted HR work can contribute to the company's success.

  • A laptop on which several colleagues can be seen in a virtual meeting.

    Global Collaboration: The Pulse of the “HR Digi” Project

    When teamwork for an IT project overcomes all boundaries, the outcome speaks for itself. This was the case with the "HR Digi" project at Leadec 2023.

  • Video

    Leadec Factory Talks – Episode 7: Health & Safety

    What influence do new production methods and technologies, increasing digitalization and incentive systems have on occupational safety? Find out in episode 7 of our Factory Talks.

  • Interview

    Hundreds of Thousands of Vehicles in Focus

    Leadec employees ensure that each vehicle arrives at its destination on the factory premises after production as part of "Vehicle Processing". They are supported in this by Leadec's own software Leadec.os. In this interview, Gareth Crawford explains the application and why this development project was a very special one for him. 

  • Article

    Project: Sustainability Made Globally

    The “Global Cleanup Week” at Leadec was born out of a small project idea. The aim was to offer employees an opportunity to get actively involved in the area of sustainability. And this happened with great success.

  • Video

    Leadec Factory Talks – Episode 6: Waste Management

    Waste management is no longer just about the disposal of waste. It has evolved from just dumping and burning waste to separate collection, sorting, and recycling to the circular economy, which sees waste as a resource.  Find out more in episode 6 of our Factory Talks.

  • Interview

    “The Complete Automotive Industry is Transforming”

    Manufacturers are working to make the transition to electric vehicles. Leadec is right in the middle of it. In this interview, Alexander Doebelin, Vice President E-Mobility in Global Business Development, provides insights into the business and explains where Leadec’s strengths lie in this area.

  • Interview

    “Standard Processes Are of No Use to Us in European Semiconductor Manufacturing”

    The semiconductor industry is growing strongly. Manufacturers have their sights firmly set on Europe. And technical services for the fab have a special role to play. In this interview, Dana Nikolaj, Business Director Semiconductor, provides insights into the business and the opportunities for Leadec.